Spend time with things that love you back

blog Nov 29, 2020

Spend time with things that love you back.

This is the phrase, this is the secret sauce, this is what helps us navigate parenting in a digital world. 

Do you feel like screens have literally taken over this year? In the most wonderful way and yet the most overwhelming way, screens are a part of our everyday lives. 

In our home, we have been using the phrase "spend time with things that love you back" to help us and our children easily disconnect from screens without confrontation for several years now. I can't wait to launch the digital course I've been working on (Digital Family Reset) that teaches how and when to use this phrase and what to do if conflict arises around screen-time. 

If you haven't heard me talking about this on social media, stay tuned!! If you want to sign up for our free downloads and get on the waitlist of announcements, click here.

We are so thankful for the opportunity to share this message, and this phrase that happened by accident, which transformed our approach to screen-time. 

Our generation is the first generation of parents to parent in a world so saturated with technology. The decisions we make today, and the example we set, will affect how our children raise our grandchildren, and their grandchildren. 


Like we said before, technology is a gift; let's learn to use it as such. 

#spendtimewiththingsthatloveyouback #familystrongproject


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